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The cultural westernisation of Africa has become extremely prevalent and pervasive. So much

so that western civilization has taken precedence over African values and culture, meaning that we are losing sight of who we are and forgetting a rich and proud heritage.




Most African cultures have praise poems dedicated

to their clan names (surnames). These clan praises hold an immense sense of pride in lineage, celebrating

the ancestry and heritage passed down from generation to generation.




In celebration of Africa month we created limited edition Castle Milk Stout Clan Cans. Designed

with African blended patterns, each can carried 

a unique clan praise, a reminder of our rich heritage, placed firmly in the hands of all our people.



Castle Milk Stout, itself a brand steeped in heritage,

set out to remind all Africans that now is the time

to get theirs back. 


A series of limited edition Castle Milk Stout Clan Cans were designed using six bespoke patterns, inspired

by the rich and diverse cultures indigenous to South Africa. Each pattern comprises a mixed arrangement 

of visual elements representing a contemporary take

on different language groups and heritages.

Each Clan Can carried a praise poem, referencing 

the ancestry and heritage of the individual names printed on every can. 


Selected 500ml cans were packaged in African inspired handcrafted wooden cylinders: rich, dark

and textured to reflect the milk stout substance. 

These were gifted to influencers, like Pallance Dladla and Stoan Seate, who carry the specific clan names.

These Clan Clans instilled pride in a nation

and reminded South Africans to savour their richness, making Castle Milk Stout the most talked about brand on Africa Day.

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